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Google course to create games with HTML5

May 24, 2020
Are you looking for a Course to CREATE GAMES / VIDEO GAMES ✅ for web platform with HTML5, JavaScript and CSS effects? ⭐ Enter HERE.

Today we bring you an excellent recommendation, a Google course to create video games in HTML5. If this is one of your goals, surely with this opportunity you will become an excellent video game developer. ENTERS!


When the video game Its main purpose was to entertain people and that they could share with friends and family. As time went by, this activity became very popular and, currently, it has become one of the largest industries in the world. For this reason, it is not surprising that more and more people are interested in dedicating themselves professionally to developing video games.

Thus, Google in partnership with Udacity have created an excellent opportunity by developing this course that teaches create video games with HTML5, which is completely free and available to anyone who really wants to learn this trade, so to speak.

However, Why HTML5? HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. This version has new elements, attributes and behaviors. It also contains a broader set of technologies that help websites and applications to be more diverse and powerful.

Therefore, in accordance with the previous paragraph, this course has the purpose of imparting the introduction to HTML5 to be used in the implementation of video games with HTML5.

This technology offers the developer a wide range of opportunities to develop projects related to the creation of games, effects combined with CSS3, animations in images, among other things.

Also, by working in HTML5 you can create animations in an easier and higher quality way. And best of all, is that no need to install extra plugins, since modern browsers support new functionalities such as audio and canvas support. Also, it allows them to work on IOS devices.

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Why take the Google course to create video games with HTML5?

This course is taught entirely online and under the direction of Google experts.

The main reason is that, at the end of the course, you will know how to develop a game in HTML5, with all the requirements.

Its purpose is to be a introduction to HTML5 in its implementation in videogames.

You will become familiar with the features of HTML5 as a 2D canvas and the various techniques to improve performance.

You can also learn about topics related to JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, CSS3, JSON, and of course HTML5.

So you should take this course if you want to go beyond static HTML tag content and develop your JavaScript skills to create engaging and interactive experiences.

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Finally, it is a recommended course for the Front-End Web Developer nanograde, and it will help you complete the Frogger project.

This course is an excellent opportunity for those young students who want to make their love of video games, a profession, allowing you to create an excellent resume that will help you to be employed in countless companies.

Previous requirements

You must have basic knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and on how the web works.

There is a lesson on the specific parts of Javascript and the DOM that you will need for this class as a refresher.

It is important to mention that the course is in English, but it comes with incorporated Spanish subtitles for easy understanding of people with this speech.

Google course create video games in HTML5

Google Course Outline for Creating Video Games with HTML5

The course is called "HTML5 Game Development by Google" and it is offered through the website of Udacity, an educational foundation that teaches courses related to technology.

The course consists of 8 lessons:

  • 0: Intensive HTML5 / Javascript course
  • 1: Introduction to the representation of Canvas, its basic concepts and image formats.
  • 2: How to manipulate the canvas to handle multiple graphics at once.
  • 3: Map rendering. Drawing and map data.
  • 4: Handling of events such as user input, keyboard and mouse handling.
  • 5: The hierarchy of the entity. Entity development.
  • 6: Box2D and use of external libraries.
  • 7: How to apply sound and web audio.
  • 8: Asynchronous loading. File uploads, grits, image caching.

Additional data

  • Course cost: free.
  • Schedule: 2 weeks approximately.
  • Skill level: Beginner.

How to register for the course

The first thing you should do is register on the Udacity platform. You can do it using your Google or Facebook account. You can also do it through a form.

To access the course you can do it through the following link:


Additionally we leave you the video with the introduction to the course:

We hope this recommendation will be very helpful to you and you can successfully complete this incredible course to create video games with HTML5 taught by Google.

We will read each other in a next opportunity.

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