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What is it, history, features and everything about Linux

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Discover All you need to know of the license-free operating system: features, versions and even some of its main advantages and disadvantages of Linux. Join us!

If we have decided to leave Windows and MacOS aside, to venture into this fascinating world, it is necessary to think twice before doing so. Is it so difficult? Actually, Linux is very different from the operating system we are used to, since it is not for everyone and handling it requires dedication and patience.

Despite this, there is currently a great variety of Microsoft Windows products and programs that you can run on different versions of the system without problems.

For that reason, here we will talk in depth about this systemPerhaps knowing it better we will have an idea of what we will find, it is also a way of knowing if it arouses enough curiosity.

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What is Linux?

We can define it as a developed operating system under the language UNIX, which, because it is portable, is considered cross-platform, multi-user and multi-tasking.

Everything you need to know about this operating system
Linux, everything you need to know about this operating system

Its creation was made thanks to the combination of several projects, but those that stood out the most in its development were: GNU and Linux kernel, which is known as the core of the source code.

Linux operating system

The Linux operating system It fulfills the same function as those of Microsoft and Apple, it is the means by which the user communicates with the computer's CPU. What differentiates this software from other systems is that it is Open Source, in other words, it does not belong to any company or entity. You don't need to pay for a license to get it or enjoy all its features. 

Open source operating system
Open source operating system


To summarize a bit the history of this operating system, we can say that it all started in the early 90's, where a Finnish student, created what would become the main kernel that would bring Linux to life.

What was the motivation of Linus torvalds? At the university where he was studying a specific operating system developed for educational purposes was used, the problem is that Torvalds saw many limitations in it, so decided to create a totally free interface where he could take advantage of all that his computer had to offer. 

As already mentioned, this operating system is the set of more than one project, GNU was something that started in 1983Years later, with the aim of being able to develop the first free open source software, Linux would be joined with its outstanding kernel kernel. This is important to know as the system is commonly referred to as Linux only, when this is just the kernel. 

What is it for?

Thanks to the freedom it offers to its users, it can be used for many things, its ability to be used with commands gives us more control when developing and using: web environments, applications and servers.

But, if you are looking to use it as an entertainment operating system, to watch audiovisual content (series, movies or games), Linux is not the best option. However, this does not mean that you cannot do it.

Is a operating system dedicated to development, that is the reason why it is so used by programmers and technicians to do different tasks at the software level. 

Linux Features

The Linux features help to differentiate it a lot from other operating systems, such as Windows and MacOS.

Some of the features of the Linux operating system are:

Operating system features
Operating system features
  • We have the graphical environment. This operating system can be operated in two ways, as a graphical environment, intended for the use of users who only want to browse the computer, then we have the console mode, which is used for servers and development. 
  • Unlike Windows and MacOS users, who must search for the third-party applications and programs they want on the computer, GNU / Linux offers collections of software which are basically already available for download and installation. 
  • This operating system has a programming system. This means that GNU / Linux is capable of compiling languages like: C, C ++, Java, Pascal, Ada and Fortran, among many others. It is also capable of supporting script-type languages. It also offers support for processor architectures through cross-compilation. All this makes this set of systems a perfect working environment for heterogeneous development projects. 

These are just some of the characteristics of the Linux operating system preferred by computer experts, and that in addition to being very versatile, it has an advanced level of security.


As we have seen, it knows how to stand out from other operating systems. In addition to its characteristics, you will ask yourself: What are the specific functions offered? These are several: 

  • Programmable shells: A Shell is what connects the commands of a user with the core of the system, by being able to program them, this can be adapted to our needs. 
  • Multitasking system: GNU / Linux offers us the ability to run various programs and applications at the same time, without the need for others to go into the background.
  • Offers a multi-user system: That's right, it's just what it sounds like. Several users can enter the operating system and do several tasks in it at the same time, without interfering with those of others. 
  • Offers flexibility when connecting with a computer in any other part of the world.  
  • it's possible mount a server from our home without having to pay the money that other systems ask for. 
  • Thanks to the device independence offered, this system supports variety and types of external devices, which can be connected with the computer: be it an external disk, printer or a modem. 


The Linux versions they are very different from what a Windows user is used to. These are called distributions, and although in a certain way they are all the same, they change in certain details which are adapted to the needs of the user.

Linux versions are managed by the manufacturer of each distribution, which modifies the Linux kernel to suit different needs.

Linux versions

Among some of the Linux distributions most popular we have the following list. If you want to know the versions of each Linux distribution, check the news from the official pages of the distro.

  • Ubuntu.
  • Debian.
  • Linux Mint.
  • Arch Linux.
  • Tails.
  • Bugtraq.
  • SteamOS.
  • ArtistX.
  • Kubuntu.
  • Elementary OS.
  • Kali Linux.
  • Puppy Linux.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in any operating system, not everything is pink, just as it has many good things, it has some drawbacks. That's why we are going to see these advantages and disadvantages of Linux, to know him better. Let's see the advantages it offers:

Advantages and disadvantages of the operating system
Advantages and disadvantages of the operating system
  1. The first, it is free software. It is free and can be modified by other users to their liking.
  2. It is stable, robust and fast. For this reason, it is ideal for servers and other applications, as well as being capable of operating on small capacity equipment. 
  3. Over the years, it has been simplified to offer a better experience to users less experimentation in development and programming. 

Now, between disadvantages of this system, we have to: 

  1. For some distributions it is necessary to know our hardware, so that there are no problems in the installation. 
  2. Windows is incompatible with Linux.

We have already learned more about the Linux features and versions , plus a bit of its history and we know everything it can offer us as experienced users. It is only up to us to take the step, since it will be a learning path, but where some paths will open.