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Learn the basics of the most demanded web language

June 14, 2020
In this post you will find a great book that will teach you the basics of the most demanded web language in the world.

In this post you will find a great book that will teach you the bases of the most demanded web language in the world. ENTERS!


JavaScript is one of the most demanded languages in the world, and it is a language that is oriented to web development, it is the king of it. To be able to program in a browser, you will need it, although you can use others like Dart, but JS will always be the standard.

JavaScript is also one of the most demanded languages in the workplace, since with it we can not only create interactive and very good web applications, but we can also make mobile applications for Andrid and iOS with tools and libraries that have been created for it. programming language (like React Native). It is also running under the servers, thanks to Node.js, being able to create web applications under our server, without exposing the source code, EVERYTHING is possible with JavaScript.

There are countless tools that can overwhelm you if you don't learn the basics of the programming language first, and that is why this book was written, so you can learn the basics and then go deeper.

Contents of the book

  1. About this book.
  2. History of JavaScript.
  3. Types of variables.
  4. Operators.
  5. Conditionals.
  6. Core Classes and JavaScript Modules.
  7. Functions.
  8. Loops.
  9. JSON.
  10. AJAX.
  11. Events.
  12. Promises
  13. DOM Document Object Model.
  14. What's new in ECMAScript 6?
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