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C#, Total Programmer's Guide [PDF]

July 21, 2021
⭐ C# BOOK ⭐ Here you can find the book "C#, TOTAL Programmer's Guide". A VERY COMPLETE book on this programming language. ✅ ENTER!

In this post you will find an incredible book that will teach all about the C# programming language. It is in PDF format. ENTERS!


Hello again!

I have an incredible book that you will like, one that speaks in its entirety of the programming language C#.

Is named "C# Total Programmer's Guide«, And this next image is its cover:


This fabulous book is a complete course in this programming language, which is updated to version 4.0; ideal both for those who want to migrate to this powerful language, and for those who want to learn to program from scratch in Visual Studio 2010.

As it appears on the back cover of the book («C#» Total Programmer's Guide), is a completely improved, updated and expanded version of the "C# Programming Course", which was a bestseller.

You will find all the content fully updated to version 4.0 of C#, included in Visual Studio 2010.

The work was written and improved by its author Nicolás Arrioja Landa Cosio, who is a university researcher, C# expert and author of four books in this same publisher. I recommend reading this book for all those who want to learn to program in this language, in its latest version.

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Book data

Author: Nicolás Arrioja Landa Cosio

ISBN: 978-987-260-135-5

Pages: 400

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You will surely learn a lot from this book. Put it to good use, compadre! Click on the following button:

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