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10 books that will help you start and be better in business in 2017

July 1, 2017
The 10 books that will help you start and be better in business.

In this post we will show you a magnificent list of 10 books that will help you get started and be better at business. Sign them up to read this year. ENTERS!



I am not an expert in business, now much less in how to sell or make friends, but, you know… I am aware of something: we have to obtain these skills to be able to reach the mountains that we have in mind, right? We all work on it (or at least some of us). And you, what are you doing with your time?

Perhaps with the aforementioned they are not convinced of the list of 10 Books that will help you start and be better in business this 2017. I understand you and we agree with you, because only an expert could recommend something that really works.

However, I can tell you that of the 10 books mentioned I have had the blessed opportunity to read some of them, one of my favorites is the book by Mr. Jürgen Klarić, sell to the mind and not to the people. That book is phenomenal, I can only tell you that nobody knows why they buy, although we all believe we have the answer.


Another book that I think will help you a lot and I highly recommend it is how to win friends and influence people. A preview: Sometimes we want to be important to everyone, when in fact to be important, we first have to make others important. There is a phrase that says:

What John says about Peter says more about John than about Peter.

To be honest with you, I think I have read half of the books that I am going to recommend. But I think before I start with another list of books, I am going to read them over and over again, until I can act and put what I have learned into practice. Below is the list of books:

Top 10 books every entrepreneur should read this year:

1) How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie.

This book will teach you not only how to win friends, but also how to sell while making friends. I think it is easier to sell a friend to help him in what he needs, than to harm a stranger and remain as enemies. This book has 15,000,000 million copies sold worldwide.

2) Sell the mind, not the people - Jürgen Klarić.

I think I have to read it again, according to the book, we all think we have the answer to what they buy, but nobody really knows why they do it. Apparently we all buy out of fear.

3) Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill.

I have not read this book but I am not sure if I have listened to your audiobook. Think and Get Rich is known as the most famous and effective method of making money with over ten million copies sold.

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4) Secrets of the millionaire mind - Harv Eker.

I confess that I have not read this excellent book, however my brother already did and his conclusion: If your goal is to be financially comfortable, chances are that you will never get rich. But if your goal is to be rich, you will most likely end up immensely comfortable.

5) The Magic of Thinking Big - David J. Schwartz.

This beautiful book, I have it on the list of the third book for this year. A brief introduction: The only way to tackle great companies in this world is to think big.

6) The art of making money - Mario Borghino.

I think this message is more than clear: "Successful people are those who first create their assets and then define their lifestyle."

7) The Business of the XXI Century - Robert Kiyosaki.

Mr. Kiyosaki tells us that the best business for anyone who wants to be a millionaire and with a considered capital is Network Marketing. Some experts say that the fraud level of this profession is 75%. But if you don't know how to choose the best work team correctly, the best company as a vehicle with the best products, it is a total success.

8) The World's Greatest Salesman - Og Mandino.

The book of the famous scrolls, I recommend it from heaven to earth. I think Mark Cuban's phrase is perfect here. Selling is not convincing, selling is helping.

9) We are blind - Jürgen Klarić.

Noted for the list of this 2017. According to Jürgen Klarić, it is time to accept the blindness of the consumer, we invite you to open your eyes through 10 basic principles to interpret, discover their behavior, and thus innovate in a way effective, and make less mistakes.

10) The art of starting 2.0 - Guy Kawasaki.

This is what this bestseller explains: Turning a product, service or idea launch into a sales success. In the second edition Guy Kawasaki delves into the impact of digital transformation and online marketing.

Doubts questions?
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