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All about the HTML layout language

Known all about HTML, the layout language for creating websites, from the basics of html to functions, elementary programming and basic tags of the code set.

The world of computing is quite wide, and every day it grows more, this is a branch that advances with technology, today we can do things with it that could not be imagined ten years ago. If we are interested in learning to code and do all kinds of great things, we must start with the basics first.

When we propose something, we must start with the simplest. For those who want to learn to code to design websites, the right thing to do is start with HTML. This is an essential language for every web programmer.

Here, we are going to learn all about HTML, its concepts, labels, functions and more. If this is the first time we read about this language, there is nothing to worry about, it is simple and easy to learn. Follow us!

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What is HTML?

In short, HTML (HyperText Markup Language), is the acronym in Spanish for HyperText Markup Language. It is used for the development of web pages, through a layout language that uses the use of tags (hence its name).

HTML: Everything you need to know

But this is something very general and technical, it doesn't say much about what this language really is. The first thing to know is that it involves design or the visual part of a website. Thanks to HTML what we do is order and distribute how the elements that will make up a page will go, all this with the use of tags.

With this language you can put together the skeleton of a website, to which more things will be added later to make it visually more attractive. And all this would be just a small definition, since there are currently several HTML basics that we must take into account to understand it better, since it is a language with many elements and rules.

HTML basics

When we enter the world of programming, more specifically HTML, and we decide to start courses, watch tutorials and learn on our own, we are going to find many terms or words that can make us noise, precisely because we do not know the meanings or references.

Basic concepts of the layout language.
Basic concepts of the layout language.

Therefore, we are going to explore HTML concepts at a basic level, so we can better understand what this programming language is about.

  • Parts of the website: This is divided into two parts, which are the Header (Head) and the body (Body). In the header there will be all the code that is not visible on the website, but is still important to add functions and attributes that will have weight on the page. On the other hand, the entire visible part goes in the body, where the elements of the web will be distributed.
  • Titles: These are the elements of the web that mark when you are viewing a title or a section other than the previous one. There are up to six types of titles in HTML, where 1 is the largest and 6 is the smallest. Defining the titles is essential for the positioning of the web page.
  • Paragraphs: They define entire blocks of text, which are separated by what is known as a line break (a blank space). In them you can make definitions, give concepts and write in a more free and straightforward way.
  • Lists: are attributes that are used to define lists and the elements that make them up. They can be used in an orderly or messy way, as well as to define concepts. With them the text can acquire a better visual appeal.
  • Boards: with them we can order elements within specific rows and columns. It should be noted that these are created from left to right, starting with the first row of the first column. Building them is not as complicated as it sounds.
  • Links: they are very important elements on a web page, since they allow access to other sites, as a complement to the information that is being given on the site. In them you can put other pages, links to applications, music, videos and images, even products to buy.

Layout Language Features

We have already mentioned that this language is responsible for ordering and distributing the elements of a web page; therefore, HTML is the root code of any website. With its tags and attributes we can put together the skeleton of the site, so that with them we will be able to give it the shape we want it to have.

In addition to the basics of HTML and basic HTML tags we also have multiple functions
In addition to the basics of HTML and basic HTML tags we also have multiple functions

Thanks to its multiple functions, in root code we can add everything at once what are links, images and videos, which allows to have a better control of some visual elements of the page. All this clear, until the time comes to improve with CSS.

Basic HTML tags

A code with this language houses many tags, as we have already mentioned, many elements of a site can be used with this. Some of the basic HTML tags are:

  • <html>: With it an HTML type document is indicated.
  • : Part not visible.
  • <body>: It is all the visible part of the code on the website.
  • <h1>...<h6>: The titles and their relevance are highlighted.
  • <a>: Used to insert links.
  • <table>: It is to create tables, they are made up of rows <tr> and the columns <td>.
  • <p>: Paragraphs are defined.
  • <img>: With it images are inserted.
    • : Unordered lists are created, with
    • the elements are defined.
      1. : For ordered lists, with
      2. the elements are defined.
      3. <b> or <strong>: Highlight bold text.
      4. : For underlined text.
      5. o : Italic text.

    In the same way, with these basic html tags you will be able to know more details about the structure of a web page, design and colors that you are sure to like.

    Basic programming

    To write in HTML, only a few tools are necessary. The first is a code editor, while the computer notes blog can be used for this, it is a lot better to do it from a code editor.

    After looking at some basic HTML tags, we move on to Basic Language Programming
    After looking at some basic HTML tags, we move on to Basic Language Programming

    Within the html code editing systems we can find the following: Sublime Text 3, Visual Studio Code, Braces, which are characterized by being free and also are multiplatform, agile, fast and very powerful.

    Now, if what you want is to make a paragraph with level 1 title, this is what we should write:


    Instead, for a list ordered would be the following:

    1. Element 1
    2. Element 2
    3. Element 3

    We already know some HTML basics To understand what the language means and how it works, now it's just up to us to study a little more about the basic labels, HTML links and paths, or go to courses, watch tutorials on YouTube to improve the experience. Cheer up!