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Most in-demand programming languages, according to the 2019 Stack Overflow survey

May 25, 2020
You will see the ⭐ MOST LOVED and hated programming LANGUAGES according to SURVEY ✅ made from STACK OVERFLOW of 2019. ⭐ ENTER!

In this post we will show you the most loved programming languages and hated according to the survey that was done 2019 Stack Overflow, the world's largest community of programmers. ENTERS!


In the area of programming languages, there is everything. From the most complex and difficult to use, to those that serve as a starter for children and adolescents.

What is true is that there is a great diversity of languages. Today, you can get advice looking for the most used programming languages in Stack Overflow.

There are many lists that show the most successful programming languages, but Stack Overflow is characterized by the massive participation of developers in their surveys.

Article index

Stack Overflow Survey 2019: Loved Languages

When a person begins his career as a programmer he is always presented with the same question, what language to use?

Well, the answer depends on the ultimate interest of the novice developer. Choose the programming language It is not easy, especially since there are many details to take into account.

As for example that languages preferred by developers They are not the ones who make the most money.

In this sense, it is convenient check Stack Overflow survey, which contains a lot of information, including the programming languages that developers commonly use.

But also, which are the preferred programming languages, which are the easiest to use or with which you earn the most money.

Between the answers obtained the following can be found:

  • The most loved programming languages: The one that leads this category is JavaScript followed by HTML, CSS, SQL and Python.
  • The most popular programming languages: In this line Rust is ahead of Python and TypeScript.
  • The most lucrative programming languages: Clojure, F#, Go, Scala, Elixir, Ruby, among others.


As you can see, the languages most loved by developers do not necessarily fall into the category of the most popular.

Likewise, those languages that pay the most dividends are often the least popular.

The Stack Overflow survey shows in addition to the most used programming languages, reveals some other curious data such as the most feared languages.

Among those who fell into this category are The oldest like VBA, Objective-C, Assembly, C, PHP among others. Even C ++ is on this list.

Also, the survey highlights that the most popular platform among developers is Linux with 83.1% followed by Docker with 77.8% and Kubernets with 76.8%.

JavaScript, the most widespread

JavaScript, the most widely used programming language.
JavaScript, the most widely used programming language.

JavaScript is a programming language that does not need to be compiled. It follows from Java, although they are very different, since it has no inheritance.

This is a language with many possibilities and is used mainly for web page process management.

With JavaScript, small control programs are created that are inserted into the web page, in addition, different effects can be created and interact with users.

According to the Stack Overflow survey, the JavaScript programming language, has been maintained for 7 years consecutive in the Top of the most widespread, based on what was expressed by more than 90,000 developers.

While he doesn't stand out among the most popular, standing so firmly at the top of his category speaks volumes for him.

On the other hand, Python has had a major rise during the last years ranking in the 4th. place.

Programming as a tool for the future

Today, programming has taken center stage, because it is a tool used for almost all aspects of everyday life.

This fact has motivated it to be included as a subject in some teaching centers.

The technological advances They tend to change the way they work, so it is necessary to educate themselves in this area.

In addition to exposing the most used programming languages according to the Stack Overflow survey, this website makes available to users the experience of other users.

This in order to broaden the spectrum of knowledge and experiences of new users and novice programmers.

Because the list of programming languages is very long, it is worth it enter this website to evaluate the language that best suits our needs.

I hope this post has been very helpful and enjoyable.

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